import reduce from "./reduce";
Copyright 2015-2021 JC Fisher
import reduce from "./reduce";
Group a list of objects by one or more fields.
export default function group(list, ...fields) {
Reduce the list into an object.
return reduce(
(acc, item) => {
Copyright @ 2015-2016 JC Fisher
let parent = undefined,
Walk through each field and update the accumulator.
fields.forEach((currentField, index) => {
The key is the value of the current item.
key = item[currentField];
Handle the last field used to group.
if (index === fields.length - 1) {
if (!parent) {
if (!acc[key]) {
acc[key] = [];
} else {
if (!parent[key]) {
parent[key] = [];
Handle the first k fields before the last field
} else {
if (!parent) {
acc[key] = acc[key] || {};
parent = acc[key];
} else {
parent[key] = parent[key] || {};
parent = parent[key];
return acc;