import substitute from "./substitute";
import keys from "./keys";
import reduce from "./reduce";
Copyright 2015-2021 JC Fisher
import substitute from "./substitute";
import keys from "./keys";
import reduce from "./reduce";
substituteAll is a lightweight “substitution tags” engine that implement a global substitute for multiple items.
The key values in your locals object are replaced. Unlike other templating systems it doesn’t specify characters that surround your tokens.
The function does not encode HTML entities. Don’t use this to generate HTML. There are plently of alternative like underscore.js that do that already.
It is equivalent to:
locals = { '-first-': 'Joe', '-last-': 'Smith' }
substitute( substitute("-first- -last", '-first-', locals), '-last-', 'Smith', locals)
export default function substituteAll(
start = "-",
end = start
) {
if (!locals) return content;
return reduce(
(p, v) => substitute(p, `${start}${v}${end}`, locals[v]),