import reduce from "./reduce";
import { ERRORTYPES as error } from "./error";
import isArray from "./isarray";
Copyright 2015-2021 JC Fisher
import reduce from "./reduce";
import { ERRORTYPES as error } from "./error";
import isArray from "./isarray";
convert array into nested array. example: unflatten([1,2,3,4]) -> [[1,2], [3, 4]]
export default function unflatten(ref, len = 2) {
if the reference data is not an array then stop.
if (!isArray(ref)) {
return error.value;
use a reduction algorithm to convert data.
return reduce(
function(p, v, i) {
The first iteration and every nth iteration.
if (i === 0 || i % len === 0) {
p = p.concat([[]]);
determine last index in collected value (e.g. p).
var lastIndex = p.length - 1;
add the value to the last available spot.
p[lastIndex] = p[lastIndex].concat(v);
return the new collected value.
return p;